Establishment Handbook
G46 8EQ
Telephone Number 0141 638 3176
Section One Welcome
Section Two Establishment Aims
- Our Mission Statement
- Equal Opportunities and Social Inclusion Policy
- Race Equality Policy
- Open Access
Section Three General Information
- Names and job titles of our staff members
- Hours of opening
- Daily sessions
- Background information
- Admissions Policy
- Enrolment procedures
- Settling Policy
- Nursery roll
- Arrival and collection of children
- Nursery routines
- Suitable clothing
- Attendance
- Insurance
- Excursions and consent forms
- Transport
- Emergency closure arrangements
- Emergency contacts
- Meals
- Snacks and the promotion of healthy eating
- Allergies
- No Smoking Policy
- Mobile Phones
- Child Safety/Child Protection Policy
Section Four Term and Holiday Dates
Section Five Medical Information
- Medication
- If your child becomes ill
- If your child becomes ill at nursery
- Minor accidents and upsets
Section Six The Nursery Curriculum
- Assessment
- Additional Support Needs/Accessibility Strategy
- Working together to support learning
Section Seven Parental Partnership
- Our aims
- Working with you to promote positive behavior
- Parents group
- Toy Fund
- Fund raising
Section Eight The Wider Community
- The establishment and the community
- The Named Person
Section Nine Other Information
- Data Protection Act
- Privacy Statement
- The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
- Dealing with racial harassment
- Bullying
- Suggestions and complaints
- Addresses and contacts
- Disclaimer on changes to information given
Section One - Welcome
Dear families,
I would like to extend a warm welcome to your child and family, as you join Thornlaw Nursery School. We aim to ensure that you will very quickly feel a sense of belonging within this community and that you will play your part to ensure its success. It is my earnest hope that all of us will work together to provide a rich foundation for our children’s future education, based on high quality learning experiences and opportunities. This will ensure that our children are able to realise their full potential and that this will have a positive impact on the local and wider community. This recognises the national expectation, ‘Getting it Right for Every Child!’ It is fundamental that we begin by getting better at recognising the holistic needs of the family unit, working in collaboration with our colleagues within the community and beyond. Instilling a sense of urgency within collegiate partnerships will ensure a positive impact in the lives of our children, resulting in an improved sense of family wellbeing - effectively ‘joining the dots’ with families.
I am confident that we can realise all that we set out to achieve if our work is built on open communication, trust, mutual respect and positive relationships, which keep children and families at the heart of all that we do.
The Staff Team and I will strive to ensure that we provide the same standard of care, which we would expect, for our own children and grandchildren.
I hope your time with us at Thornlaw Nursery School will be very happy and productive.
If you require any further information or help, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
With very best wishes,
Claire Morrison
Head of Nursery
Section Two - Establishment Aims
Our Mission Statement
Provide a welcoming, safe, happy, caring, educational environment in which each child can reach his/her full potential in partnership with parents and the community. Through consultation we aim to develop challenging, individualistic, responsible and considerate learners who will be empowered to say I can and I will achieve
We are inspected and reviewed by two external bodies, HMIE and The Care Commission. The Care Commission inspections are based on The National Care Standards. The main principles of The Care Commission Standards are dignity, privacy, choice, safety, realizing potential, equality and diversity. Copies of our most up to date inspections are available on line or in nursery
In Thornlaw Nursery School we aim to offer the highest quality service. We aim to –
- provide a welcoming, safe, happy, caring, educational environment
- ensure each child reaches his/her full potential
- work in partnership with parents and the community
In particular we would like you to note the following -
Equal Opportunities and Social Inclusion Policy
We reflect the council’s equal opportunities policies and are anti-racist, anti-sexist, multi-cultural and recognise the rights of both men and women to work or to care for children. Our provision takes account of the needs of children with disabilities or chronic illnesses. These principles are reflected in the criteria we use to admit children to our nursery and in the curriculum, we offer
Thornlaw Nursery School is non-denominational. We respect and welcome children and families of all religions, faiths and beliefs. Inclusion is at the heart of our practice.
Race Equality Policy
We have a Race Equality Policy in accordance with the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and also Glasgow City Council and Scottish Executive guidelines which stipulate the –
- elimination of unlawful racial discrimination
- promotion of equality of opportunities
- promotion of good race relations
Open Access
The Head of Nursery operates an open-door policy where parents may speak to her at any time if she is available. An appointment can also be made for a mutually convenient time; parental enquiries are always given careful consideration and are always dealt with promptly and effectively.
Section Three - General Information
Names and Job Titles of our Staff Members
Staff Job Title
Mrs Claire Morrison Head of Nursery
Miss Linda Norwood Child Development Team Leader
Miss Kimberly McConville Lead Practitioner Attainment
Mrs Helen Conway Child Development Officer
Mrs Ronda Cheng Child Development Officer (Part Time)
Miss Nicola Fahey Child Development Officer (Part Time)
Vacant Child Development Officer
Vacant Child Development Officer
Mrs Gail Brannigan Child Development Officer
Mrs Lyndsey Watson Child Development Officer
Mrs Marie Stuart Child Development Officer
Miss Laura McKinnon Child Development Officer
Miss Rebbekah Gallacher Child Development Officer
Mrs Stephanie Collins Child Development Officer
Mrs Judith Yuille Child Development Officer (Part Time)
Miss Christina McDermott Child Development Officer (Part Time)
Mrs Basharat Hanif Support for Learning Worker (Part Time)
Miss Joanna MacDonald Support for Learning Worker (Part Time)
Mrs Kiren Singh Support for Learning Worker (Part Time)
Mrs Jane Gunn Clerical Support Assistant
Mr David Adam Janitor
Miss Michelle McLeod Day Assistant
Usual Hours of Opening 8.00 am – 6.00 pm
Daily Sessions Morning 8.00 am – 12.45 pm
Afternoon 1.00 pm – 5.45 pm
Full time and/or extended hours to the usual opening hours - by arrangement
Background Information
Thornlaw Nursery School is situated on a campus shared with St Vincent’s Primary School. The nursery located to its present site in June 2009 but was opened originally in Arden in 1975. The nursery is part of St Paul’s Learning Community. As a nursery we are health promoting and eco friendly.
Admissions Policy
All nursery places are allocated in line with Glasgow City Council’s Admission Policy and nursery staff will be happy to advise you how this policy operates when you apply for a place for your child. A leaflet detailing the policy is available upon request. In line with government policy we strive to provide places for all 3-5-year olds from the first full term after their third birthday. An admissions panel meets at regular intervals throughout the year to decide how nursery places will be allocated. The panel consists of the heads of the local pre-5 establishments, a health visitor and a social worker. There are a limited number of full-time places available which are subject to regular review, in keeping with Glasgow City Council’s Charging Policy. Please note that the length of time a child’s name has been on the register will not affect the child’s priority for admission. Parents can ask to see their application form at any time. If circumstances change which affect the application you should speak to the head of establishment
Enrolment Procedures
All parents who wish their child to attend Thornlaw Nursery School are invited to complete an application form at any time suitable after their second birthday. Places will be offered to parents as soon as a place becomes available after their third birthday. If your application is successful you will receive a letter from the Head of Nursery giving you a date and time for induction. This involves us getting information about your child and you getting information about the nursery school. You will be given a start date at induction and the information you will need about settling your child into nursery. During your induction you will have the opportunity to visit the playrooms with your child.
Settling Policy
On the first day of nursery a responsible adult will need to stay with your child as they settle in to the nursery routine. Some children are able to settle faster than others so the time they stay on their first day will vary from child to child.
We take our lead from the child so, after discussion with your child, yourself and your child’s key worker your child’s time at nursery will be gradually extended.
Nursery Roll
The nursery has spaces for 72 children in the morning and 72 children in the afternoon. The age range of the children in the nursery is 3 to 5 years although some children may have a deferred year at nursery.
Arrival and Collection of Children
It is expected that a responsible adult (over 16 years) will bring and collect children from nursery. You must sign your child in on arrival at nursery and sign them out when they leave. In the interests of your child’s safety you must tell the Head of Nursery or your child’s key worker if your child is to be collected by someone not known to us. If an unexpected situation arises and you have to make emergency arrangements, please telephone the nursery to give us details of the person collecting your child. You will be asked at induction to provide names and contact details of responsible people other than yourself, who are permitted to collect your child. You will also be asked to provide a password, so that we can easily identify these people.
Please make sure that you adhere to our arrival and collection times -
Morning children should be settled into nursery before 9.15 am and not collected before 12.30 pm
Afternoon children should be settled into nursery before 1.15 pm and not collected before 3.00 pm
If children arrive late or are collected early it disrupts the nursery day for them and others but we do, of course, understand that emergency situations arise. If you will be collecting your child early or dropping off late, please call ahead of time.
Nursery Routines
When you bring your child to nursery, you will be welcomed by a member of staff, you should –
- Sign you child in, allow them to mark their name on their own sign in sheet and help them collect their badge.
- Assist your child in taking off their outdoor clothing. In winter you should change them from wellies to suitable indoor shoes.
- Please label all clothing and shoes with your child’s name, this helps to identify your child’s belongings as other may have the same clothing or shoes.
- Your child will be given their own peg with their name on it. Your child will have a nursery bag on their peg, you should provide full change of clothes, including underwear and socks. If your child wears nappies, we ask that you provide your own nappies and wipes.
Suitable Clothing
Children have the best fun when they are doing messy work. We will always try to make sure they wear aprons but accidents happen so please dress your child in suitable clothes. Please, also make sure that your child has suitable outdoor clothing as outdoor learning is embedded into our nursery day and children have free flow access to the outdoor learning environment all day and in all weathers. We also plan regular outings to the local community. There are forms of dress which are unacceptable in nursery, such as items of clothing detailed below –
- potentially, encourage faction (such as football colours)
- could cause offence (such as anti-religious symbolism or political slogans)
- could cause health and safety difficulties, such as loose-fitting clothing, dangling earrings
- carry advertising, particularly for alcohol or tobacco
- could be used to inflict damage on other children or be used by others to do so
We like to see the children at nursery every day but we do appreciate that children are prone to illness. Please inform the nursery of the reason for your child’s absence because if we are not informed it will be recorded as an unauthorized absence on your child’s attendance record. It is our policy to contact parents who have not notified us that their child will be absent on day one of the absence. If you no longer wish your child to have a nursery school place please inform the Head of Nursery as soon as possible.
Sometimes children like to bring something special or new to nursery for their friends to see. Parents should ensure that valuable items are not left at nursery, particularly as the authority has no insurance to cover the loss of such personal items. Claims submitted are likely to be met only where the authority can be shown to have been negligent.
Excursions and Consent Forms
When outings or excursions for children are planned, the Head of Nursery or a member of staff will advise you in advance. You will be asked to complete consent forms which give your permission for your child’s participation. Please note that children cannot take part in outings unless completed consent forms have been submitted by their parent/guardian.
Transport is not normally provided for children attending pre-five establishments. The Council may, however, provide transport to and from nursery for children with special needs who may require to travel some distance to take up their placement. A few establishments have their own transport but this is exceptional and generally parents should make their own travel arrangements.
Emergency Closure Arrangements
We make every effort to maintain a full educational service, but on some occasions, circumstances arise which lead to disruption. Establishments may be affected by, for example, severe weather, transport problems, power failures or difficulties with fuel supplies. If this happens, we will do all we can to let you know about the details of closure and re-opening. We may keep in touch by telephone, e-mail, notices in local shops and community centers, announcements in local churches, in the press and on local radio.
Emergency Contacts
Parents whose children are in the nursery are asked where possible to provide the establishment with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of two contact people for use in case of emergency. You are also asked to keep the nursery up-to-date with any changes in this information.
Lunch will be provided free of charge for both morning and afternoon children. It is important that we are informed of any food allergies / dietary requirements at the time of induction.
Snacks and the Promotion of Healthy Eating
Thornlaw Nursery School operates a healthy snack time where children receive 1/3 pint of milk and a variety of fruit and other healthy foods. It is important that we are informed of any food allergies and dietary requirements at the time of enrolment.
We are a nut free nursery. Please do not bring nuts into nursery as we have children/staff with allergies.
No Smoking Policy
Thornlaw Nursery School is a Glasgow City Council school and in line with the council’s policies is a no smoking building. This means that smoking is not allowed at any time anywhere within the building or nursery grounds.
Mobile Phones
Please refrain from using mobile phones whilst in nursery. Your child will be excited to tell you all about their day, so it’s best to that you are free of distractions, allowing your attention to be on your child.
Mobile phones should not be taken into or used in areas where t
there are children. This is for your protection as well as the childrens to avoid any allegations of improper use or behaviour.
Child Safety/Child Protection Policy
All educational establishments and services must take positive steps to help children protect themselves by ensuring that programmes of health and personal safety are central to the curriculum and should have in place a curriculum that ensures that children have a clear understanding of the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behaviour on the part of another person, no matter who.
Schools, establishments and services must create and maintain a positive ethos and climate which actively promotes child welfare and a safe environment by -
- Ensuring that children are respected and listened to
- Ensuring that programmes of health and personal safety are central to the curriculum
- Ensuring that staff are aware of child protection issues and procedures
- Establishing and maintaining close working relationships and arrangements with all other agencies to make sure that professionals collaborate effectively in protecting children
Section Four - Term and Holiday Dates 2023/2024
- Monday 14 August 2023 (Return date for Teachers & In-Service Day)
- Tuesday 15 August 2023 (In-Service Day)
- Wednesday 16 August 2023 (Return date for pupils)
September Weekend
- Friday 22 September 2023
- Monday 25 September 2023
- Friday 13 October 2023 (In-Service Day)
- Monday 16 to Friday 20 October 2023 (October Week)
December - Christmas and New Year
- Schools close at 2.30 pm on Friday 22 December 2023
- Monday 25 December 2023 – Friday 5 January 2024 (Christmas holidays)
- Schools return on Monday 8 January 2024
February Mid-term break
- Monday 12 February 2024
- Tuesday 13 February 2024
- Wednesday 14 February 2024 (In-service day)
April - Spring Holiday (Easter)
- Schools close at 2.30 pm on Thursday 28 March 2024
- Friday 29 March (Good Friday)
- Monday 1 April (Easter Monday)
- Monday 1 April to Friday 12 April (Spring holiday)
- Schools return on Monday 15 April 2024
- Friday 3 May 2024 (In-Service day, subject to change)
- Monday 6 May 2024 (May holiday)
- Friday 24 May 2024 and Monday 27 May 2024 (May Weekend)
- Schools Close at 1.00 pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024
Section Five - Medical Information
If your child needs medication during his/her time at nursery you should discuss his/her requirements with the Head of Nursery. Prescribed drugs will only be given at the discretion of the Head of Nursery and you will need to fill in a form which authorizes nursery staff to administer the drugs to your child. The Head of Nursery will give you the necessary form to complete.
If your child suffers from asthma you must tell the Head of Nursery if there are any activities or specific circumstances which are likely to bring on an attack.
If your child suffers from epileptic attacks you must tell the Head of Nursery what emergency treatment to give.
If your child becomes ill
We would welcome a telephone call if your child is not able to attend nursery on a particular day.
If your child becomes ill at nursery
We will endeavor to contact the parent / carer in the first instance. Should this be unsuccessful we will then get in touch with the emergency contact person.
Minor Accidents and Upsets
Unfortunately, children may have minor accidents and upsets during their time with us. These will be attended to immediately by well trained staff and the parent will be informed when collecting the child.
Section Six - The Nursery Curriculum
How We Promote Learning
In line with national guidance we implement Curriculum for Excellence. We promote learning through play in an environment designed, equipped and directed to cater for the different stages in the development of the individual child. We use play-based learning, known as playful pedagogy, recognising that play experiences are central to learning and how children make sense of their world and learn to adapt to new situations through play. Our staff team are skilled in setting out play experiences that allow children the flexibility to find their own solutions to both new and existing problems. They engage children in personally meaningful activities, where they are encouraged to learn, develop autonomy and motivation. This in turn ensures our children develop as Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors.
Staff are continually assessing children and report to the Head of Nursery regularly throughout the year. These assessments are used to give staff a picture of each child’s ability and progress so that they can encourage skills and help with any difficulties. An on-going record of your child’s achievements is kept by their key worker and a Transition Record is compiled from this when they move on to Primary School. A copy of the Transition Record is sent directly to the Primary School but it will be shared with you and you will have an opportunity to contribute to it. All records can be inspected by parents on request but a formal opportunity to discuss your child’s progress will be given twice yearly – in November and May.
Additional Support Needs/Accessibility Strategy
The establishment has a duty to ensure that all our children have equal access to the curriculum supported as appropriate to their individual needs. This covers not only the content of planned activities and teaching strategies but also minor adaptations to the physical environment of our buildings to address the needs of children with physical or sensory impairments. We also need to ensure that parents and carers who have a disability have equal access to information about their child. This will involve, for example, relocating the venue for parents/carers meetings to facilitate physical access; provision of an interpreter for people who have hearing impairments; agreeing a phone contact system to provide direct feedback to parents and carers. Where a child is found to have speech or other difficulties, the Head of Nursery in consultation with parents can arrange specialist help e.g. speech therapist/educational psychologist. In no instance will this step be taken without seeking the parent’s permission.
Working Together to Support Learning
It is important that all people involved with your child’s education work together to achieve the best possible way forward for your child. Regular meetings will be held with all agencies involved with your child. This may differ depending on the needs of individual children. Staff will encourage ‘learning at home’ by posting ‘family challenges’ via the see-saw learning app. Home learning packs for literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and science will also be distributed.
Section Seven - Parental Partnership
Thornlaw Nursery School believes in promoting participation between nursery, the families who use our service and outside agencies. We encourage –
- Teamwork
- A shared understanding of how children learn
- Parents to acknowledge that they are their child’s first educator
Our Aims
- To provide a warm, welcoming and happy atmosphere which supports parental involvements
- To encourage parents to play an active part in their children’s nursery education by -
- Building up partnerships with children and families
- Encouraging parents, carers and families to be committed to and actively involved in the life of the nursery
- Consulting and communicating with children and parents
Working with You to Promote Positive Behaviour
We hope through working with you that the very best opportunities will be available both for your child and yourself within this community.
As at home children are expected to follow a suitable code of behaviour. We help them to realise that rules are made with safety and consideration of others in mind.
Parents Group
If you are interested in joining please speak to the Head of Nursery. Parent’s group will meet monthly and will provide parent’s with opportunity to be involved in nursery improvements whilst having a cup of tea and a chat.
Toy Fund
A donation of £2.00 per week from each family allows us to pay for day to day expenses such as parties, celebrating festivals, baking ingredients and other incidentals. Toy fund can be paid either in cash or by bank transfer. Please see Jane Gunn (Clerical Assistant) to arrange payment.
At Thornlaw we hold fun raising events throughout the year. The funds we raise allow us to plan for curricular excursions, resources and events. Fundraising is also a great way for the community to get involved with nursery life.
Section Eight - The Wider Community
The Establishment and the Community
Thornlaw Nursery School works closely with the community in an endeavor to achieve the best possible facilities and services for all. Thornlaw Nursery School has close links with the four local primary schools and has an excellent transition programme.
The Named Person
GIRFEC stands for ‘Getting It Right For Every Child’. The Children and Young People Act (Scotland) 2014 is the Scottish Government-led approach to making sure that our children and young people (and their parents or carers) can get all the help and support they need from birth right through to age 18 (or beyond if still in school)
The vast majority of Scotland’s children and young people get the love and support they need from within their families and their wider, local communities. But even the most loving and caring families can sometimes need extra support. The GIRFEC approach aims to make it as easy as possible for any child or young person (and their parents) to get that help or support if they need it.
To provide that support when needed, every child in Scotland has a named individual, the Named Person, as a single point of contact. This Named Person has a responsibility to provide help and support when asked and can draw together other services if needed, co-ordinating help for the child or parents. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Named Person at any time.
The Named Person for all children from birth till age five, when they start primary school, is the Health Visitor.
Section Nine - Other Information
Data Protection Act
Information on children and young people, parents and carers is stored on a computer system and may be used for teaching, registration, assessment and other administrative duties. The information is protected by the Data Protection Act 1998 and may only be disclosed in accordance with the Codes of Practice. For further information please contact nursery
Privacy Statement
As a local authority our schools and early year’s establishments process information about children and young people in order to provide education and care. In doing so we must comply with the Data Protection Act (1998). This means, amongst other things, that the data held about children and young people must only be used for specific purposes. However,
you should be aware that we may use this information for other legitimate purposes and may share this information where necessary with other public bodies or where otherwise required by law. We may also use any information for research purposes. However, all personal data is treated as confidential and used only in accordance with the Data Protection Act and the Information Use and Privacy Policy approved by the City Council
For further information please see our full privacy statement at
The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 enables any person to obtain information from Scottish public authorities. The Act applies to all Scottish public authorities including: The Scottish Government and its agencies; Scottish Parliament; local authorities; NHS Scotland; universities and further education colleges; and the police
Public authorities have to allow access to the following information -
- The provision, cost and standard of its service
- Factual information or decision-making
- The reasons for decisions made by it
The legal right of access includes all types of “recorded” information of any data held by the Scottish public authorities. From 1st January 2005, any person who makes a request for information must be provided with it, subject to certain conditions
Further information is provided on the Glasgow City Council web-site -
Internet facilities are provided at all Glasgow City Council Public Libraries and Real Learning Centers
Dealing with Racial Harassment
The Race Relations Act of 1976 makes it unlawful to discriminate against someone because of his/her colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national background. The Act makes it the duty of Glasgow City Council to eliminate unlawful racial discrimination
In 1999 the guidelines, “Dealing with Racial Harassment” were issued to assist all teaching staff in dealing with such incidents
The adoption of an anti-racist approach should be seen as one part of the continuing attempt to improve the quality of education
Glasgow City Council recognizes that support from the home is essential if these aims are to be achieved. Every child in Glasgow has the right to be happy and secure at establishment
Bullying behaviour will not be tolerated within Glasgow City Council’s educational establishments. All children in Glasgow’s educational establishments have an entitlement “to work (and Play) in a learning environment in which they feel valued, respected and safe and are free from all forms of abuse, bullying or discrimination” (A Standard for Pastoral Care in Glasgow Establishments)
In 2009, Glasgow City Council published its revised Anti-Bullying Policy, incorporating the requirement to record and report all discriminatory behaviours within educational establishments. All establishments are required to review their policy in light of this. Parents and carers have a significant role to play in helping to address this problem. For this reason, any anti-bullying strategy must stress the importance of partnership with the parents and carers of their children
???????Suggestions and Complaints
We are always anxious to maintain and improve our service. If you have any suggestions to make about the service please contact the Head Teacher in the first instance. Similarly, if you have a complaint about any aspect of the service you should contact the Head Teacher. If you feel your complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved with the Head Teacher please contact the Customer Care Team who will –
- Take a totally neutral stance in fully investigating your complaint
- Acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 working days
- Give a full written response within a further 10 working days, unless another timescale has been agreed
The Customer Care Team can be contacted by phone, e mail or post –
Customer Care Team
Customer & Business Services
Glasgow City Council
City Chambers
Glasgow G2 1DU
Tel: 0141 287 0900 e-mail:
Information about GCC complaint procedure is available at
Addresses and Contacts
Mr Douglas Hutchison
Director of Education
Education services
Glasgow City Council
45 John Street
Merchant City
G1 1HL
The Care Commission
4th Floor
1 Smithhill Street
TEL: 0141 843 4230
Glasgow Life, Letting Section, phone 0141 302 2814/2815